HE.S.T.A.F.T.A. - Scientific Society of Mental Health Professionals

We are pleased to announce the release of the electronic journal of HE.S.T.A.F.T.A. “Systemic Thinking & Psychotherapy”.

We expect that this magazine will be a forum for exchanging ideas and thoughts for professionals dealing with individuals, families, couples and larger groups by publishing articles on the theory, research, clinical practice and education. It aspires to contribute to the development of Family Therapy and give the possibility to carry out a dialogue between systemic therapists in Greece and abroad, so this magazine will be published in Greek and English. Therefore, articles written in Greek, it is good to have the English translation. However, this is optional and the translation will be done by the author himself. Our goal is also to encourage the participation in this forum of therapists, scientists and intellectuals from Greece and other countries. Within this framework, publications representing all schools of thought in family therapy will be accepted. The languages of the journal are Greek and English.

Colleagues who are interested can learn about the instructions of writing articles in this link.

The magazine will be released twice a year, every October and April.

The Editorial Board



The “Systemic Thinking & Psychotherapy” is an online journal that enables professionals dealing with individuals, families, couples and larger groups to publish articles related to theory, research, clinical practice and education in family therapy.

The main objectives are:

  • To promote further understanding of human relationships and human systems, through the publication of articles on the theory, research, clinical practice and education.
  • Development of Family Therapy and professional development of therapists through the exchange of ideas and experiences.
  • The emergence of writers in systemic therapy.
  • Develop and foster dialogue among all schools of thought in family therapy.
We encourage you to submit an Article for the upcoming issue of the online journal "Systemic Thinking & Psychotherapy".Submit



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