HE.S.T.A.F.T.A. - Scientific Society of Mental Health Professionals


Papers submitted for publication should be original work not previously published in English and Greek and not currently submitted elsewhere for consideration. If accepted for publication, a paper cannot be published elsewhere without consent. It is a condition of acceptance that the Hellenic Systemic Thinking and Family Therapy Association automatically acquires the copyright. Manuscripts should be submitted at the “Submit Article” link, where you will find instructions for submission. Along with your article should submit a declaration form stating that no data have been published elsewhere and that all authors of the article, have agreed to the publication have seen and approved the content, to the following email address hestafta@gmail.com.

These are the types of papers that are regularly submitted:

Research presentation (3,000-6,000 words)

  • An introduction to the key concepts and theoretical issues related to the study.
  • Presentation of previous work.
  • Brief description of the methodology.
  • Results.
  • Discussion of the results, and report on implications for future research and practice.

Case study (3,000-6,000 words)

  • Presentation of the clinical issues raised by the incident.
  • Review relevant literature.
  • Description of the intervention/treatment.
  • Discussion of the importance of intervention in general clinical practice.
  • Authors using case material must also sign the appropriate form to confirm that patients/families have given their informed consent for their details to be included in the publication. You would send the form to the email: hestafta@gmail.com

Theoretical issues (4,000-5,000 words)

  • A brief general introduction.
  • Review of previous publications on the subject.
  • Definition of theoretical issues and proposals.
  • References to relevant topic research studies.
  • Relation of theory to practice.
  • Linking theory with practice.

Literature review (3,000–5,000 words)

  • A brief general introduction.
  • A description of the way in which the themes in the literature are organized by the author for review. This may include conceptual and definition problems.
  • The review.
  • An overview of the review process including gaps in existing knowledge.
  • Future directions.

Therapists and educators experience (3,000-5,000 words)

  • An introduction.
  • Key concepts and theoretical issues.
  • Presentation of the project including case vignettes.
  • Discussion.


The languages of the journal are Greek and English. We recommend that articles which are written in Greek also include the English translation, as electronic magazine targets both inside and outside the Greek territory. However, this is optional, and the author should do the translation.


The text should be typed in double space, including the introduction, notes, and bibliography, in the following order:

  • Title: indicate the article title and keywords.
  • Abstract: On a separate sheet, the title to be repeated followed by a summary of not more than 150 words.
  • References (in the text) these should be indicated by the name and date e.g. ‘Brown (2009)’. If more than two authors are listed, cite the reference as ‘McHugh et al. (2010). Quotations should include page numbers. Web sites should also be cited in this way, with a full reference appearing in the References section (see below).
  • Figures, tables, etc.: All figures and tables should be numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals, have descriptive captions and be mentioned in the text. They should be kept separate from the text but an approximate position for them should be indicated. These will need to be uploaded separately. Please supply figures in the format in which they were created, if possible.


The bibliography should be included at the end of the article in alphabetical order according to the first author and should be complete in all details.

  • Articles: Combrinck-Graham, L., A developmental model for family systems, Family Process, 24, 139–150, 1985.
  • Chapters: Woodcock, J. (2009) Love and hate and the oedipal myth: the perfect bridge between the systemic and psychoanalytic. In Flaskas, C. and Pocock, D. (Eds) Systems and psychoanalysis: contemporary integrations in family therapy. London: Karnac. Pp 129-146
  • Books: Boszormenyi-Nagy, I. and Spark, G. M. (1973) Invisible loyalties: Reciprocity in intergenerational family therapy. New York: Harper & Row.
  • Web sites: Alzheimer’s Society (2009) Counting the cost: caring for people with dementia on hospital wards, retrieved 11 January 2012 from http://alzheimers.org.uk/site/scripts/ documents_info.php?documentID=1199.

Article Size

The number of words for each kind of article as detailed above. Articles that exceed 6,000 words (including references) will be returned for correction.


The style of the text is advisable to be typical. The originality in the presentation is appreciated, especially if enhances clarity and eloquence.


Manuscripts should be available for ‘blind/anonymized’ refereeing. They will be conducted by two assessors. During the evaluation examined whether these requirements are met, the scientific and theoretical documentation and user trials of the terms used. After receiving comments from reviewers, the Editorial Committee inform authors of the decision on the publication or any corrections to be made. In this case, the article should be sent again after having included the corrections indicated.

If the article does not meet the above requirements will be returned to the author.

We encourage you to submit an Article for the upcoming issue of the online journal "Systemic Thinking & Psychotherapy".Submit