HE.S.T.A.F.T.A. - Scientific Society of Mental Health Professionals

In the course of family therapy sessions we often hear stories around birth. Through the narration of the circumstances, expectations and desires surrounding the creation of the new existence, we try, along with the family, to better understand the present interactions and relationships. Every birth story begins before the event itself, since it is initially present in the mind and imagination of those involved in the new creation.

Drawing on this thought, we would like to tell the story of the birth of this magazine. It is an online magazine created at a time of crisis. A time when there are many and diverse difficulties and even more requirements at all levels, a time when we are all looking for ways to deal with what is happening. One idea that was heard in one of our frequent discussions on this issue was to "do something creative", something that would allow us to discuss with other people in our field, to share, to exchange ideas, thoughts, concerns. In our times, mainly characterized by fragmentation, allocation and entrenchment, we envisaged this magazine as an opportunity, through different voices and perspectives, to proceed not towards an addition but in the direction of composition and creative synthesis that would become an asset and would exploit diversity, ultimately helping us all move on.

Thus, this magazine was created, first in our imagination, then in practice with the valuable help of colleagues from Greece and abroad. However, because every creation ultimately sets its own way, the process and course of the magazine are to show whether our goals shall be met and/or whether new ones, that we cannot even imagine, shall be born...

The Editorial Board

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ARTICLE 2/ ISSUE 1, October 2012

Text and context: narrative, postmodernism and cybernetics

Paolo Bertrando, Psychiatrist and Family Therapist, school Centro Milanese di Therapia della Famiglia, Milano, Piazza S. Agostino 24, 20123, Milano, Italy
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